Order Ramsey Clark's Books

On Sunday, June 13, 2021, the International Action Center and his family members will hold an online virtual Tribute to remember Ramsey Clark’s legacy. We hope you’ll be able to participate in this memorial. 

REGISTER for the Tribute at this link: bit.ly/RamseyClark

We have received many requests for copies of the books by Ramsey Clark, printed through the International Action Center.

We checked our storage and found that we do still have a few copies of both books.

If you would like to order a copy of 1992 classic: The Fire This Time: U.S. War Crimes in the Gulf or a collection of Ramsey Clark’s writings compiled from several IAC books, challenging U.S. wars and sanctions: Truth vs. Power – please order them using the form below. We request a $25 donation for each book, and encourage you to chip in more if you are able to.

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